Special Formatting & Characters
Markdown formatting is simple, yet powerful. You can find lots of guides online, but we recommend this one.
Here are a few common formatting styles that should cover most needs:
In this project, you might italicize for two reasons: titles and foreign words. To italicize text, enclose the text to be italicized using a single asterisk on either side. Example: *A Book Title*
will render as A Book Title.
To make text bold, enclose the text in double asterisks on either side. Example: **this is bold**
will render as this is bold.
You can also use header styles to give heading to sub-sections of your articles. For this project, we are using H4 for sub-headings. You can format an H4 using four hashtags: #### Sub-heading 4
In your bibliography, you may want to provide a link to the source if it is available online. To turn a section of text into a link, encode the title of the work as a link this formula:
[Tenth Annual Catalogue of the State Normal School](http://www.registrar.ucla.edu/archive/catalog/1892-93catalog.pdf)
this will render as Tenth Annual Catalogue of the State Normal School.
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