Click on one of the map points. This should display an article in the right panel. What elements or sections do you see?
Click on the “hamburger” menu at the top left of the text panel. Now click on the “Articles” menu item. How many articles are there Select one and scroll through the article.
Within one of the articles, hover over an image. What happens? Now click on an image. What happens?
Create your own GitHub account
Go to and create your own GitHub account. This isn’t necessary if you already have your own GitHub account.
Review the Image Worksheet for your trip to UCLA Special Collections
Read through the entire worksheet in preparation for your visit to Library Special Collections.
Make note of any questions you have about the criteria, terms, etc. and bring your questions with you to class.
Sign up for Slack
Once you have completed everything above, connect with your instructors via Slack (Note: Instructors: Colleen Jaurretche, Doug Worsham (dmcwo), The WI+RE Team, and Dawn Childress(dchildress))
Slack is a messaging application and will be the primary mode of communication for the project