Module 4: Prepare for Lab Session 1

Explore the GitHub repository

  • Find the _posts directory (under the code tab). This is where you will create your Markdown (.md) file that contains your essay. Go ahead and click on the _posts folder to view inside it. Now, click on any one of the Markdown (.md) files, then click on the pencil icon in the located on the top right corner just above the file contents. This is how our Markdown formatted documents will look, so pay attention to the different sections and how these are formatted - don’t worry, we have a template for you! but we’ll get to that later…

Some things to think about before coming to class

  • Your group will need to decide on a location to which you will map your article. Begin to think about places in or around Los Angeles that are important or relevant to your archival object. You can only pick one location!
  • You will also need to assign a category to your article, so think about which category is most appropriate for your article. The categories you can choose from are:
    • arts and culture
    • architecture and urban planning
    • politics and society
    • history
    • neighborhoods
    • environment and science
  • Come to class with a title for your article. Don’t worry, you can always change it later if you decide to, but you will need some basic information about your article for the hands-on work we’ll do in class.

Your Slack assignment

  • One person in your group: create a new “Channel” in Slack for your group. Use a name that reflects the topic of your article. The other team members are required to join the group’s Slack Channel. Invite your instructors to your group so we can answer any questions.
  • Have a discussion with your group in your group’s Slack channel - you should discuss your article title, the location in or around LA to which you will map your article, and the category for your article.
  • Remember, if you have questions or don’t know how to do something, send us a message on Slack!
  • You can also Direct Message others in Slack and use the “@” sign to mention someone in Slack, for example, @instructorusername. Try it!

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